Weymouth To Install LED Street Lights


Weymouth expects to save approximately $250,000 in yearly energy costs by installing light-emitting diode or LED lighting on 3,800 streetlight fixtures, according to town energy coordinator Robert O’Connor.

Weymouth expects to save approximately $250,000 in yearly energy costs by installing LED lighting on 3,800 streetlight fixtures, according to Energy Coordinator Robert O’Connor.

The town received a $249,382 grant from Gov. Charlie Baker’s administration to cover a portion of a $1 million expense that is needed to replace the sodium vapor street-light fixtures in Weymouth and to complete an energy audit that is required by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council and the Department of Energy Resources.

Mayor Robert Hedlund said the town must provide $1 million up front to cover the cost of the energy audit and to replace the sodium vapor lamps to be eligible for the $249,382 grant that was recently awarded by the Baker administration.

“There will be $250,000 in yearly savings,” said Mayor Robert Hedlund. “The payback to the town will be in three years. If you include the grant, the payback to the town will be in four years.”

Weymouth Energy Coordinator Robert O’Connor said the town pays $250,000 annually to National Grid to maintain the street light fixtures.

“The project requires the (LED) lighting to be installed by June 2018,” he said. “The audit will be done by mid-November and then the design phase for the lighting will take six weeks to complete. We need to present these items to the mayor and they will come up with the best plan.”


O’Connor said the utility poles would still be the property of National Grid.

“We will own the lighting fixtures,” he said.

Weymouth’s $249,382 grant was included in $4.3 million of assistance to 40 communities by the Baker administration.

Baker said continued investment in LED lighting by communities would lead to reduced energy costs and improved roadway safety for pedestrians and motorists throughout the state.

“The strong partnership between the Commonwealth and our regional planning authorities and municipal-light plants helps maximize the positive benefits of this grant funding,” he said in a written statement.

Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito said LED streetlights help reduce energy usage during peak demand periods and lessen the burden regional electrical grids while reducing costs for ratepayers.

“Converting municipally owned streetlights into energy efficient LED’s helps cities and towns across the Commonwealth realize thousands of dollars in annual energy savings while reducing emissions,” she said in a written statement.

A summary from Baker’s office stated LED street lights would help dim nighttime light pollution and have dimming devices at various times during the evening.

State Sen. Patrick O’Connor said the LED street lamps would be more environmentally friendly and energy efficient for Weymouth.

“I want to thank Secretary Beaton, Commissioner Judson, and the Baker-Polito Administration for their commitment to modernizing and reinvesting in the Commonwealth’s infrastructure,” he said.

State Rep. James Murphy, D- Weymouth said the retrofitting of the street lights with LED lighting would also compliment efforts by the town to modernize its infrastructure and become more eco-friendly under grants Weymouth has received through the Green Communities program.

“Retrofitting our streetlights with LED lighting will yield both cost and environmental benefits for future generations to come,” he said. “I would like to thank the Baker-Polito administration, Commissioner Judson, and Secretary Beaton for their concentrated efforts toward green initiatives in Massachusetts.”

State Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton said the conversion of streetlights from traditional lamps to LED lighting is another important steps towards meeting emissions reduction goals.

“Gov. Baker’s executive order on climate change strategy emphasizes the Baker-Polito administration’s commitment to reducing energy usage and emissions in order to prepare the effects of climate change across Massachusetts,” Beaton said in a written statement.



Weymouth to install LED street lights

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