Most people think in terms of calendar seasons when it comes to periods of slowdown and activity, but we tend to think in “show seasons.” Whether it’s preparing to attend and cover other industry events such as LightFair International or Light+Building, or planning a conference and exhibition delivered by our own PennWell LED & Lighting Network, we spend a lot of time discussing and brainstorming how to tackle the trends and topics that will make the most of the opportunities we have to provide or engage in networking experiences, and produce the best programming and content for our audiences.
If you click on either of those two linked articles above, you’ll notice that the themes are similar —the driving trend of technology presented and showcased at both industry events was connected, smart lighting that can be incorporated into the Internet of Things (IoT). Yeah, yeah, I know we talk about it a lot. From the Lux staff’s cheeky take on IoT-speak to our latest news coverage, you see a lot of things on IoT. But don’t let that fool you into thinking that is the only thing the next round of events offers in education and experience. The thing with IoT is that it informs a lot of the discussion, presentations, and exhibition structure because connectivity is strongly considered the future of lighting.
LuxLive takes over London next week — with Lightspace.London delivering an experience where architecture and lighting intersect, and the Strategies in Light Europe Investor Forum will inform the next round of investors about the new businesses and services connected lighting is spawning. Let’s not forget the glamour and glitz of the Lux Awards, where great lighting is recognized for creativity and sustainability. The folks at Lux have a fantastic infographic right on the LuxLive homepage that really maps out how the show floor and stage areas are structured to cater to the people, products, and presentations you want to target. You can click around to the various show areas and the Awards info page from the infographic.
Strategies in Light, The LED Show, and Lightspace California will breach Long Beach, CA this February. And on Valentine’s Day we will be showing the love to our Sapphire Awards winners, too. We just got the formal SIL program brochure and it looks to be a very illuminating event indeed (download a PDF here). We’re excited to bring you more online content from upcoming speakers as well as the conference chairs and LEDs Magazine staff in advance of the event. We’re planning to cover IoT and security concerns, but also look for information on advances in SSL and emerging applications — market updates, color and lumen maintenance in LEDs, leveraging LED light in agriculture and horticulture, SSL- and controls-enabled trends in architectural lighting, even how 3D printing plays into the next generation of customized SSL and manufacturing. This is just a sampling of the topics we’re considering to continue celebrating the current show season. Stay with us!
Original Article: Show Season Aims High, For The Best LED And Lighting Experience
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