Europe wants modular LED luminaires for a circular economy


Europe wants modular LED luminaires for a circular economy

As part of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 work programme, the Repro-light project (Re-usable and re-configurable parts for sustainable LED based lighting systems) aspires to initiate a transformation in the European LED lighting industry, by creating the ‘Luminaire of the Future’.

Led by representatives and driving forces from the European lighting industry, as well as manufacturers, experts on lighting sustainability and the Social Sciences, the Repro-light consortium aims to harness innovative technologies and materials to implement a never attempted before modular luminaire architecture, a smart production scheme and also the development of a reconfigurable customised LED luminaires.

The LED market is currently mid-transformation, shifting its focus from energy efficiency to function values. This project is perfectly timed to capitalise and lead this transformation, as it is set to change the reputation of the LED luminaire from a disposable object, into a customisable and sustainable product, with a high function value. 
The consortium is made up of European leading experts including German LED luminaire manufacturer Trilux, but also BJB GmbH, Italian design and prototyping SME Grado Zero Espace S.r.l., and Rohner Engineering. Also taking part are innovative members of the lighting industry such as Austrian lighting design and research consultancy Bartenbach GmbH and founder, owner and publisher of LED professional, Luger Research. Experts on lighting sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment such as the Catalonia Institute of Energy Research (IREC) and Mondragon University who are prominent in Social Sciences complete the consortium.  
The need for projects like Repro-light has been highlighted in several recent white papers, including “Serviceable Luminaires in a Circular Economy” published by The European Lighting Association.  This white paper highlights the value of a circular economy, and it is just such an economy the ‘Luminaire of the Future’ is design to be part of.  
The project’s first phase is underway and consists in analysing the customer needs and technical requirements, upon which new design strategies will be assessed.
More information about Repro-Light at

Published By: Julien Happich

Main Article: Europe wants modular LED luminaires for a circular economy

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