A Simple Like Can Have a Big Impact


Working with the company since Feb 2017, Precious Eugellete Ili has not only been spreading awareness but also positivity, through social media. 


Of what importance is social media to V-TAC?

In the recent years, social media has become an influential part of our life – from communication, to networking, to information, everything is bound to social media. As the digital world takes over our personal lives, it does so for businesses too. This shift in technology has also made a huge impact on sales and marketing techniques.

Welcome to the Era of Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing is a part of digital marketing which helps businesses generate target leads by working on their pressure points, in order to educate them about our services and hence convert them to customers.

Read more about the buyer’s journey here 


We, at V-TAC, started adapting to digital marketing in May, as an effort to raise awareness and to join the ever-growing digital community.


How Social media is linked to Business

Precious, as a part of the V-TAC family, has not only been supportive since day 1, but also went the extra-mile to aid our campaigns and boost engagement of our posts on social media – namely, LinkedIn and Facebook.

As a #shoutout to Precious, we decided to interview her to get her point of view on the impact of social media in the business world. Below is a summary of our interview with her:

Q: How has working with V-TAC been for you so far?

A:  It’s been a great experience working with the V-TAC team – we are like a small family. Everyone around has a very positive aura and their attitude towards work is fresh and energetic.

We have a really good management team and our employers are very supportive. I enjoy working in an environment where everyone is willing to help each other.

What Precious Has To Say About Engaging In Company Strategies

Q: What motivates you to actively support our campaigns?

A: What you share on social media, is a reflection of the things you genuinely care about and want to share. The reflection of what I think is a reflection of my company.

I am proud of being an employee here and I would like to raise awareness of my brand – this is what motivates me to actively support campaigns.

Q: What do you think of the impact of social media on businesses today?

A: Everyone is taking to the digital world and people use social media for everything nowadays, for updates, for networking, for information – everything is on social media. Advertising is more digitized now and businesses have been using this to their advantage. My shares and likes on social media can be viewed by my network. Those engagements raise brand awareness and show my network that I am proud of my company.

If one person can use social media to impact the advertising of a brand, then think about what a network would do. Creating brand awareness is not only a part of the marketing team – it is and should be the duty of every employee.

Where do we currently stand?

We stand at 30,000 likes on Facebook

V-TAC Marketing Milestone

As Precious mentioned, every like/share counts – this is how networks are built and this is how brand awareness progresses. Teamwork and team support goes a really long way.







(On behalf of the marketing team, thank you Precious!)

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